Operators, Drivers And Workshops Need To Be Ready For Smart Tachographs.

‘Smart tachographs’ may be appearing in new vehicles in six months’ time and will be mandatory in all newly registered vehicles from 15 June 2019, so it’s vital that vehicle operators, drivers and workshops have all the relevant information in plenty of time.

At FTA’s Transport Manager autumn conferences, sponsored by Bridgestone Tyres, representatives from Continental Automotive will be covering the subject of smart tachographs, which will include on board satellite location technology, in a session which is proving to be very timely and popular.

The session describes what these new devices do, discusses the compatibility between old cards and new devices, how the changes will impact drivers and whether they could act as more of an aid to drivers rather than simply an enforcement device. It also discusses whether workshops will be ready and what the changes will mean for enforcement.

James Firth , FTA’s Head of Road Freight Regulation Policy, said: “This will be the biggest change to the tachograph since the move from analogue to digital; operators, drivers and workshops need to be ready.”

Keith Lloyd of Continental Automotive commented: “The new smart tachograph brings many functional improvements. Increased security, satellite positioning data and remote downloading of data for enforcement assists in ensuring compliance with drivers’ hours regulations. The ITS interface in our VDO DTCO 4.0 smart tachograph provides easier access to over 70 different pieces of data that can assist operators in transport planning and driver/vehicle utilisation.”

The conferences, which are also sponsored by Brigade Electronics and Microlise, take place nationwide and each includes an address by the local Traffic Commissioner on their priorities for the coming year. In addition, the Commissioners conduct a staged driver conduct hearing at each venue, giving a unique insight into their decision making. Other sessions at the one-day events include insights from the DVSA, as well as briefings on Earned Recognition, lowering emissions, Brexit and managing your maintenance provider.

The conference series is well under way, with large turnouts in Yeovil, Doncaster and Southampton and seven more events to be held throughout the country, finishing on 28 November at Edgbaston Cricket Ground in Birmingham.

For further information or to book a place go to click here or call the FTA Member Service Centre on 03717 11 22 22.

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