Star Refrigeration launches COP26 Heating and Cooling Hub for businesses

The online hub is full of free resources and events to help UK businesses achieve net zero targets set to be agreed at COP26

Star Refrigeration have launched a dedicated heating and cooling online hub to help businesses respond to guidelines from the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties. This includes a calendar of key COP26 events, a range of articles from sustainable engineering experts and bespoke advice on energy consumption and low carbon strategies as part of the Specific Energy Consumption app.

COP26 takes place from 31st October – 12 November 2021, in Star’s hometown of Glasgow. Hailed as the most important climate event since the Paris Agreement in 2015 world leaders are to negotiate the next urgent steps to prevent further warming and the transition to net zero. Decisions made at COP26 are likely to affect all businesses in all industries.

Dr Rob Lamb, Group Sales and Marketing Director of Glasgow-based Star Refrigeration said, “We have spent over 50 years delivering sustainable cooling and heating solutions, and it is evident that now is the ideal time to share our expertise. Reaching net zero emissions as fast as possible is absolutely critical, so we want to help businesses understand the actions they need to take to meet climate targets.”

To support companies on their journey to net zero, Star have brought together a wealth of resources. In addition to specialist articles there is also a personalised quiz, the Smart Road to Net Zero, with a chance to win a £50 voucher. The hub aims to help customers identify where to focus their efforts in the next three decades to meet the 2050 net zero targets whether it is through equipment selection, system design, control software, aftercare or a combination of each.

Representatives from Star are involved in a number of COP26 events over the next two weeks, with full details available on the hub calendar. Star is supporting West Dunbartonshire council at the Green Zone on November 11 2021 to showcase the large scale water source heat pump at Queens Quay in Clydebank and Dave Pearson, Star’s Group Sustainability Director, has also been invited alongside Thomas Nowak, Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), into the Blue Zone as representatives of the organisation. The Blue Zone is a UN-managed space which hosts the negotiations.

Star Refrigeration, has signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative and is a national leader in green refrigeration technology and industrial heat pumps for district heating and industrial processes. The company utilises natural refrigerants such as ammonia and CO2 to help phase out f-gas refrigerants and industrial cooling and heating. Additionally, Star designs and manufactures large scale heat pumps for low carbon heating, with the most recent project on the River Clyde in Clydebank being dubbed as European Heat Pump City of the Year by the EHPA.

End users are invited to get in touch with Star’s experts if they would like any further information after browsing the COP26 online hub of resources. Follow Star’s #CountdowntoCOP26 social media feed for news and live updates.

To visit the dedicated COP26 Cooling and Heating Hub click here:

To learn more about Star’s sustainable cooling technology visit

To find out more about Star’s heat pumps go to

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