The Freight Transport Association (FTA), the largest and most influential business organisation in the logistics sector, has confirmed local Traffic Commissioners will be headlining Transport Manager 2018, sponsored by Bridgestone Tyres, to share their priorities for 2019 and engage with attendees on key industry issues.
Transport Manager 2018 will be held across ten UK venues in autumn 2018 – London, Glasgow, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Birmingham, Southampton, Doncaster, Yeovil, Peterborough, Knutsford and Chepstow – and the local Traffic Commissioner to each location will be present.
“The value of the haulage sector to the UK economy is well known. As transport businesses face the challenges of an ever-changing environment it is vital that transport managers are equipped for the future,” commented Richard Turfitt, Senior Traffic Commissioner. “A number of recent incidents illustrate why it is vital to keep up to date and to continue to actively manage compliance. The Transport Manager conference offers an important opportunity to stay sighted on the latest legislation, guidelines and advice. That is why Traffic Commissioners are pleased to be able to support this series of events and they welcome the opportunity to engage with transport managers, who perform one of the key roles in the logistics industry.”
Also sponsored by Brigade Electronics and Microlise, the annual events, held at venues around the country, highlight key developments and challenges within the logistics industry, and will cover a wide range of topics including the recently relaunched Logistics Emissions Reduction Scheme (LERS), Earned Recognition and urban access.
The cost to attend for FTA members is £295 plus VAT for the first delegate and £265 plus VAT for subsequent delegates; for non-FTA members £395 plus VAT for the first delegate and £365 plus VAT for subsequent delegates.
For further information or to book a place go to or call the FTA Member Service Centre on 03717 11 22 22.
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About Logistics UK
Who we are?
FTA are one of the biggest business groups in the UK, supporting, shaping and standing up for efficient logistics. We are the only organisation in the UK that represents all of logistics, with members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of goods.
Why do we exist?
An effective supply chain is vital to Keep Britain Trading, directly impacting over 7 million people employed in making, selling and moving the goods that affect everyone everywhere. With Brexit, technology and other disruptive forces driving changes in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK PLC.
What do we do?
As champions and challengers, FTA speaks to Government with one voice on behalf of the whole sector, greatly increasing the impact of our messages and achieving amazing results for Members.
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